
Blockchain based document timestamping

Regulators require durable medium

Available solutions include:
WORM or physical media

Go beyond and use global and open Blockchains to time stamp and store documents like terms of service and offers

Easily hash, store and publish public documents

We leverage IPFS and OpenTimestamps to offer financial institutions alternative to legacy expensive solutions


Let Us Explain The Problem

Various EU regulatory provisions require that a firm must provide certain information to a client in writing, either on paper or in another durable medium. Some provisions also permit the use of digital media but meet certain conditions.

A durable medium needs to:

  • allow information to be addressed personally to the recipient
  • enable the recipient to store information in a way that is accessible for future reference
  • allow the unchanged reproduction of the information stored

Blockchain use is accepted among possible solutions. We propose the use of undisputed global decentralized open access guaranteeing unchanged reproduction and storability for future reference using well known combination of protocols including IPFS, OpenTimestamps and Ethereum

All documents including terms of service, price lists digitally signed by the financial institution will be timestamped on the blockchain and stored in permanent web of IPFS

How It Works

All documents are stored in so called permanent web powered by IPFS protocol.

IPFS protocol took advantage of blockchain protocol and network infrastructure in order to store unalterable data, remove duplicated files across the network, and obtain address information for accessing storage nodes to search for files in the network.

IPFS has no single point of failure, andnodes do not need to trust each other not to tamper with data in transit IPFS provides deduplication, high performance, and clustered persistence. IPFS and the Blockchain are a perfect match!

Large amounts of data can be stored with IPFS and linked into a blockchain transaction. This timestamps and secures content, without having to put the data on the chain itself


Mailing Address

Grzybowska 4/106, 00-131 Warsaw, Poland

Email address
